Telling your story in textiles

09/04/2023 10:00  to   09/08/2023 16:30

Oldeberkoop, Netherlands

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When is a work calles finished?

Sketchbook, materiality, printing or painting, textile manipulation and stitching – I love working in

this circled processes. Going forward, coming back, mark making, cutting, ripping, stitching on materials and manipulating it again... an endless dialogue of textile art!

There is not only one right way of working in textiles, a lot of approaches are possible. In this class I

will guide you to find your own textile processes that fit to you personally. You will find out how you

can go in a dialogue with your ideas, your experiments, your love of material and how you can come

to really great final textile results.

We will use just a few mark making methods to bring colour, line and form in or on our textiles. A big

part of the class will focus on how you can develop that further. What methods get you towards

really strong textile work? How can we start and why is a sketchbook such a funny part of the

process? How can you go deeper with your machine and hand stitching? I will show you some

machine and hand stitching ideas that fit well to your process. This circle of dialogue-work gets then

to the question: when is a work to be called finished?

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Taking lessons at Hawar

Workshops, Masterclasses and Courses are held in our spacious and well lit workshop, all tools for any textile technique are available and all materials are in store in our shop one level below.
Read more about our lessons  

We'll take good care of you

There will always be fresh fruit, water, tea and coffee on the table during our workshops and masterclasses. When lunchtime comes we serve a  lunch with soup, juice, salad en fruits.