Masterclass: Drawing and painting with free machine embroidery

06/06/2024 10:00  to   06/08/2024 16:00

Oldeberkoop, Netherlands

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Free Machine Embroidery

Let me take the fear out of Free Machine Embroidery as we spend three delightful days exploring drawing and painting with fabric and thread.  

Thread is so much more than a medium for joining two pieces of cloth.  It can be a painting medium : we can draw and colour with it, yet in the formation of every stitch we can play with texture…moving from the smooth plain of the fabric to develop fascinating stitched surface structure.During this delicious workshop I will show you how to draw and capture our own unique scenes and compositions - you’ll draw in a way that is truly useful to your stitch work.  We shall practice drawing with thread and push our new skills we development of a unique piece of stitched Artwork.

You’ll learn how to work in harmony with your sewing machine, so you both sing the same tune.

You’ll feel more confident in creating your own unique Artworks

You’ll learn about thread types and weights.

You’ll have the ability to draw and paint with thread.

As a tutor I have 34 years experience, I teach and exhibit all over the world.  I will hold your hand through this journey of discovery as you open up your paint box…there are no rights, no wrongs…it’s your own personal path to developing your own unique style: I can’t wait to get started.

Dionne Swift Studied at Goldsmith’s College, London University [BA Textiles], received a Masters in Textiles from UCE and has a collection of teaching qualifications. 

Dionne  Swift is wereldwijd dé kunstenaar / docent van het vrije machinaal borduren. Het is heel fijn dat ze haar kennis nogmaals komt delen bij Hawar.
Deze 3-daagse workshop is voor iedereen die graag met de naaimachine werkt tijdens het beeldende proces een enorme verrijking. 
Dit is een engelstalige cursus.
Odoo CMS - een grote afbeelding
Odoo CMS - een grote afbeelding

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Workshops, Masterclasses and Courses are held in our spacious and well lit workshop, all tools for any textile technique are available and all materials are in store in our shop one level below.
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There will always be fresh fruit, water, tea and coffee on the table during our workshops and masterclasses. When lunchtime comes we serve a  lunch with soup, juice, salad en fruits.