Introduction and development

06/26/2023 10:00  to   07/01/2023 16:00

Oldeberkoop, Netherlands

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Jeanette Appleton neemt u mee op uw verdere ontdekkingsreis door het immense gebied van subtiele kleurmengingen met gradaties in helderheid en diepte. Hierbij wordt gespeeld met de mogelijkheden in tint en toon die ontstaan door het mengen van wolvezels in verschillende kleuren.  En, in deze masterclass gebeurt nog veel meer want Jeanette heeft voor deze masterclass een speciaal programma ontwikkeld. Ze heeft nu een aantal jaren lesgegeven bij ons en weet precies hoe ze onze studenten kan uitdagen en begeleiden om te groeien in hun kunstenaarschap.

Uw werk wordt persoonlijk begeleid met suggesties voor uw individuele viltproces waardoor ideeën voor verdere ontwikkeling van uw eigen werk,  stoffen, interieur- of modeartikelen in gang worden gezet. 

De cursusdagen zijn op  26,27, 28  en 30 juni en 1 juli van 10 tot 16 uur. Donderdag 29 juni is dus een vrije dag maar u kunt dan wel gebruik maken van het atelier .Deze week is inclusief koffie, thee en een uitgebreide lunch van onze  lunchkok Paco. Materiaal is niet inbegrepen maar kunt u meebrengen en is ook te koop in de Hawar- winkel.

Coloured Marks in Felt Making

Brief description:

Enjoy the surprises when exploring different methods of colour mixing and

manipulating wool tops during the felt process to create subtle textures and

surfaces. Find your artist approach to making textiles through individual

personal development for art works, interior or fashion.

Full description:

Enjoy the surprises when exploring different methods of colour mixing and

manipulating wool tops during the felt process to create subtle textures and

surfaces. Varying the proportion and sequences of the layered fibre with

additional threads and fabric will transform the materials when fully felted.

An initial brief exercise of layering coloured pencils and pastel will

heighten ones awareness of various mixing possibilities. These will

guide the choice of colours when layering the textile materials and

link with your personal themes.

Different methods of mixing fibres by hand, with hand carders and a

drum carder will be introduced. Further structural changes can be

developed at pre-felt stage which can be pulled or cut for

reassembling into new compositions and forms. Adding more

coloured wool tops, threads and fabric will give a stronger depth of

colour and texture.The possibilities of hand stitching into the pre-

felts or finished felt will be demonstrated and participants can

develop this if relevant to their work and ideas.

Your design will develop through this process and in conjunction

with other visual references. Initially making a set of samples and

working towards a series of ideas for a design folder and/or a

finished item, depending on what emerges through the process. The

tutor will offer individual encouragement to enable you to discover a

personal artist approach to develop felted structures for one-off art

works, interior or fashion. 


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Taking lessons at Hawar

Workshops, Masterclasses and Courses are held in our spacious and well lit workshop, all tools for any textile technique are available and all materials are in store in our shop one level below.
Read more about our lessons  

We'll take good care of you

There will always be fresh fruit, water, tea and coffee on the table during our workshops and masterclasses. When lunchtime comes we serve a  lunch with soup, juice, salad en fruits.