Stitched and manipulated Fabric Works met Caroline Bartlett

27-10-2023 10:00  tot   29-10-2023 17:00

Oldeberkoop, Nederland

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Stitched and manipulated Fabric Works;

mapping, memory and imagination

Working from an investigation of motifs generated by maps, memory, place and aerial views, develop ideas relating to the theme into fabric form. Explore the marking, manipulation and re shaping of fabric using a range of approaches. These will include simple print and hand stitch methods to mark cloth, pleating, folding, and manipulation methods to structure the surface. 

Including and attaching small objects in a creative way using hand stitch.

 Select between heavier weight fabrics or lightweight to work on.

Produce a textile piece that incorporates ideas and selected methods

For those that have attended Stitched and manipulated Paper Works, this 3 day workshop gives you the opportunity to capitalise on ideas from the 2 day paper workshop and move into fabric interpretations with an extended understanding of the possibilities of  design and composition. Those who have not attended the 2 day workshop will work more directly from the reference material you bring with you on the theme in the form of maps, arial views, memories, sense and knowledge of a place special to you.

Attention will be given to the development of ideas, composition and surface. 

Ideas will be supported by presentations, individual and group discussion

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Tijdens onze lessen staat de hele dag water, thee en koffie met wat lekkers op tafel. Tussen de middag verzorgen we een uitgebreide lunch met soep, sap, salade en fruit.